
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction or concern by the public, consumer or customer however made, about the conduct, standard of service, actions or lack of action on the part PAPL Corp, its board or staff.

An appeal is an earnest request for or reference to some person or authority for a decision, corroboration, judgment, etc. An application or proceeding for review request. A formal question as to the correctness of a ruling by a presiding officer.

1.0 Complaints

1.1 Complaint can be made by any person, consumer or customer against the following

  1. The Board, its operation and/or procedures
  2. The Inspectors, experts, or staff of PAPL Corp
  3. Inspection process followed by the inspectors and/or by the Board
  4. Planning and Engineering process followed by PAPL Corp
  5. Vendor engagement
  6. Misuse of the accredited status either in scope or in use of the accreditation body logo or accreditation symbol
  7. Quality of certification / inspection
  8. Quality of planning and engineering

1.2 The complaint shall be made in writing (by any means such as letter/ email etc.) to the President & CEO with complete details of the complainant (name, address, organisation etc.) and description of the complaint with supporting information / documents as relevant and necessary.

Complaints can be sent by email to info@paplcorp.com or through post/ courier to PVN ASSOCIATES PRIVATE LIMITED. Flat No. 01, Third Floor, No.3, Viswapriya Apartments, 1st Cross Road, Kasturibai Nagar, Adyar, Chennai – 600020 Tel No. : 044 42613912

1.3 Any complaint received is reviewed to establish if it is related to PAPL Corp (Practices, Processes and Quality relating to PAPL Corp). If so, the President & CEO, validates the complaint based on verification of all necessary information gathered and then the complaint is registered and the PAPL Corp procedure for handling complaints is followed.

1.4 The President & CEO will arrange to acknowledge the complaint within one week (excluding postal time, if any). In case any more information / document is needed, the same shall be sought from the complainant/ any other party as decided by the board. If the complaint does not fall under the domain of PAPL Corp, the complainant shall be informed of the same while providing possible assistance like referring the complaint to concerned.

1.5 If the complaint has no details of the complainant or the description is not adequate, PAPL Corp will reserve the right of dealing with the complaint as deemed fit.

1.6 In case the complaint pertains to an individual (apart from President & CEO), process, practice or quality the same shall be handled by a Complaints committee constituted by& chaired by the President & CEO depending on the type of Complaint. The individual against whom the complaint is made shall not be part of the constituted committee.

However, should there be a Complaint against the President & CEO, the committee will be constituted by and chaired by a Senior board member and the President & CEO shall not be part of the constituted committee. If the complainant is not satisfied with the response of the complaint would be taken up further.

1.7 In case the complaint is received through some other organization/stakeholder, and not directly from the complainant, then the organization would be briefed of the outcome at the end of the process.

1.8 The decision to be communicated to the complainant will be made /reviewed and approved by individuals not involved in the activities in question.

1.9 The President & CEO will follow each complaint to conclusion and initiate appropriate corrective actions., in case the handling of complaints indicates some issues with PAPL Corp procedures. Effectiveness of such actions would be assessed and reported in the appropriate Management review meetings. In respect of complaint against an individuals directly associated with PAPL Corp either in the role of an employee, retainer, supplier, service vendor or member of the board, if established, appropriate actions as deemed fit may be taken within the legal & penal framework which include dismissal or suspension.

1.10 PAPL Corp will make all efforts to process / resolve the complaint within 1 month, unless it requires more time depending on the nature of the complaint. PAPL Corp will provide periodic updates on the progress of complaint investigation as well as information about its outcome to the complainant.

1.11 PAPL Corp will give a formal notice at the end of the complaint handling process to the complainant.

1.12 PAPL Corp will ensure that investigation and decision on complaints do not result in any discriminatory actions

2.0 Appeals

2.1 Any PAPL Corp customer, consumer of serviceor suppliers of equipment whose equipment has been or is intended to be inspected can file an appeal against the decisions of PAPL Corp to the President & CEO.

2.2 The appeal shall be filed in writing within thirty days of the decision of the Complaints & Appeals Committee along with all the necessary information / documents in support of the appeal.

2.3 The President & CEO verifies the documents for completeness and may ask for additional information / documents, if necessary. Once the documents are complete, the President & CEO validates the appeal based on verification of all necessary information gathered and then acknowledges the receipt of the appeal within a week and forwards the same to the Committee. The Committee has the right to either disallow the appeal or act further based on the merit of the contents of the appeal based on simple voting by raise of hand.

2.4 The Appeals committee is headed by one of the senior Board Member along with maximum two members out of the assessors, staff or experts of PAPL Corp as necessary to discharge the appeal. It would be ensured that the members had not been involved in the subject matter of the appeal.

2.5 The Chair of Appeals Committee may ask the appellant to present the facts in person to the appeals committee if necessary or if so desired by the appellant.

2.6 The appeals committee may ask any of the staff, committee or empanelled assessors for the facts to help in discharging the appeal based on facts.

2.7 The Appeals committee shall give its recommendation to the Board as well as the President& CEO for necessary action to discharge the appeal to the satisfaction of the appellant and regarding the preventive actions, if any, that must be taken to avoid such recurrences. The President & CEO will give the decision on the appeal based on the recommendation by the appeals committee. The decision of the President & CEO in this regard will be final. The President & CEO shall ensure that appropriate corrective actions are initiated and taken, in case the handling of appeals indicates some issues with PAPL Corp procedures.

2.8 PAPL Corp will make all efforts to process / discharge the appeal within 2 months, unless it requires more time depending on the nature of the appeal. PAPL Corp will provide periodic updates on the progress of appeal as well as information about its outcome its to the appellant. The information / records relating to appeals would be maintained. PAPL Corp will give a formal notice at the end of the appeal handling process to the appellant.

2.9 PAPL Corp will ensure that investigation and decision on appeals do not result in any discriminatory actions by appointing members not involved in the subject matter of appeal.

3.0 Financing the Complaint, and Appeal Process - If the resolution of the Complaint or Appeal is done without undertaking any travel or additional assessment, no financing will be needed for such resolutions. However, if the resolution calls for undertaking travel and assessment, the cost will be borne by the defaulting party.

4.0 Complaints by PAPL Customers or consumers of PAPL service on procedures, practices, quality or individuals associated with PAPL against a PAPL Board, Employees will not be asked to pay for any cost of the resolution of the Complaint. The cost will be financed by any of the defaulting entity.

5.0 Records

CEO, PAPL Corp or a designated officer would maintain a record of all complaints and appeals received, actions taken, corrective actions, if any, and their effectiveness. These records would be maintained for a period of 5 years

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